Inside every woman is a little girl... And inside that little girl is a princess...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things I want to do before i turn 50!

I know it’s still a long way ahead but I am just getting my options ready and organized.  So here they are…

1. Go to the Land of Milk and Honey!Just have to wait for US economy to improve..Then I’ll bring my whole family to Disneyland or Universal Studios or maybe Knott’s Berry Farm or maybe to all three.I’ve often read about how family-oriented those places are.I just got to convince myself to ride the roller coasters.Hmmm..

2. Go on a diet and look stunningly gorgeous at 50!I want to be one Hot momma or grandma(woops,i hope not until I’m 60!)

3. Go on a bungee jump or go on a parachute jump.I have to conquer my fear of heights once and for all!Wheeee!!!!

4.Take yoga or meditation classes.I need to relax and discover my inner chakra!Have to be able to reconnect with my Indian ancestry then….

5. Switch to a diet of Fish and Vegetables only!I guess it’s a sure way to live longer than 50.I want to live up to a hundred maybe or more!I wanna be ancient.ahahaha!

6.Renew wedding vows with Sweetie, the love of my life!This one’s waaaay overdue.It should have been done sooner.

7. Live with my Dad.We’ve been separated(He’s in the US) since 1990 and God knows how much i miss him so!This would be a dream come true.

8.Challenge myself to eat isaw, kwek-kwek or any street food for that matter.Even for just once I won’t be scared of its repurcussions.

9. Finally get to buy myself a purple Louis Vuitton bag and not have to close my eyes when I see how much it costs.

10.Enroll myself in refresher course in driving and then eventually drive my own car(preferably a mini cooper!)

11.Try to learn one musical instrument (maybe piano or guitar).This has always been one of my childhood frustrations.

12. Give my kids a Big, Long Hug and plenty of Kisses and whisper to them How much I love them.Need to do this before they grow up and live their own lives.By then,I might not get the chance to do all those mushy stuff.

13.Strengthen my relationship with my creator much much more.Pray a lot more often and be more spiritual rather than religious.Whew!that’s a lot of “more”….!

14.Be grateful for the blessings I have been given all these years and look forward to being one fulfilled and happy Golden Girl!

I’ll probably add some more things i want to be doing in the future.After all, I still got 8 or more(I wish!) years to enjoy before I reach 50.I would most as likely as not raise it up to 20 or a hundred(?) maybe but as for the moment this will have to do!

(February 25, 2009)

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